I just figured out that March 9th marks the one year anniversary of The Lost Turntable! It also probably marks the three month anniversary of people actually visiting The Lost Turntable. So, I will be caving to requests from all you jerks that leave comments asking me to repost songs by reposting some of them throughout the week. So expect a lot of “greatest hits” updates throughout the week. If you already haven’t harassed me about an awesome song that you couldn’t get a hold of because you were too damn late to the party, leave a comment now asking for it or forever hold your pieces.
Josie Cotton
(Let’s Do) The Blackout
This is the b-side to Josie’s first/last/only hit ‘Johnny, Are You Queer?’ I went on Youtube to try and find a video for that song and discovered way way way too many homemade anime music videos for it. Yaoi fans are scary sometimes.
Was (Not Was)
Wheel Me Out
Hello Operator…I Mean My Dad…I Mean Police…I Don’t Even Remember Who I Am
Okay, so this is proof my mind “works” in very odd ways sometime. This is the stream-of-conciosusness thought process my mind went through when I found this single, “Hey, those guys did that 80s dance song ‘Walk The Dinosaur’, I really liked that song when I was kid. Man I used to love dinosaurs, I miss that one cartoon Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, this song could’ve been the theme song to that show, they just would’ve had to change ‘I walk the’ to ‘Cadillacs’ it totally would’ve worked. Why’d they cancel that show? It was so awesome, the video game totally sucked. I heard it was a comic book too, I should try to find it sometime. I wonder if it got made into a cartoon because of the success of the TMNT crossover into animation? When’s that new TMNT movie coming out? That looks good. I hope it’s better than TMNT3, why the fuck did they go back in time? What a dumb idea…”
Anyways…these tracks are off of their very first single for Ze Records. Even if you didn’t like their big hit you should check these ones out because these tracks from 1980 are way way ahead of their time and probably influenced the entire dance scene of the 80s. ‘Wheel Me Out’ seems to be based on an illegal sample of ‘You Belong To The City’ and ‘Hello Operator…’ has to be one of the best song titles of all-time.
2 Men A Drum Machine & A Trumpet
Tired Of Getting Pushed Around
Tired Of Getting Pushed Around (Mayhem Mix)
From great song titles to great names for a band. 2 Men A Drum Machine & A Trumpet were really just two men, David Steele and Andy Cox. Fans of great early 80s music should recognize them as two of the founding members of The English Beat. Fans of not-so-great late 80s music might recognize them as two-thirds of Fine Young Cannibals.
Men At Work
Who Can It Be Now (Special Version)
According to the promo single from which these tracks came from this version of ‘Who Can It Be Now’ is a ‘special remix.’ I don’t know what makes it special and I’m not about to dig out my copy of Business As Usual to find out. F-19 is a nice little instrumental B-side.
i love you marry me
Fantastic stuff as ever; nice to see Two Men & Trumpet etc. Now, as I fan of not-so-good late eighties pop (although this might have sneaked into the nineties I think), could we have a repost of Erasure’s Sweet Sweet Baby…
Happy anniversary! I must admit I just discovered your site about a week or so ago and fell in instant love. So many memories flooding back… As for re-posts, I’d really love to hear: BERLIN: “No More Words” (Dance Mix), “Dancing in Berlin” (Dance Mix); DEPECHE MODE: “Lilian” (Robag Wruhme Slomoschun Kikker), “John the Revelator” (Unkle Dub), “People Are People” (On-Us Sound Mix) & (Different Mix), “Work Hard” (East End Remix); A-HA: “Take On Me” (Extended Version); THE CULT: “She Sells Sanctuary” (any mixes); and DAVID BOWIE: “When The Wind Blows” (both versions) & any other BOWIE you care to repost! OK, I don’t want to look too greedy, so I’ll stop here.
Blimey that last bloke asked for loads (I asked for Sweet Sweet Baby (particularly the Moo Moo Mix ;-)) so I’ll pop in one more (fairly recent one). New Order – Fine Time remixes. Marvellous. Cheers.
love the site, i’ve been visiting since late december so congrats on the 1 year anniversary. as far as any reposts go, i went looking back and found the following but sadly missed:
cyndi lauper: she bop (remix)- may 5,
korn: here to stay (msi mix)- august 25,
tears for fears: shout (both us & uk mixes) oct. 05,
debbie harry: rush rush (extended) nov.20,
a-ha: take on me (extended) dec.13,
ministry: over the shoulder (12” mix), isle of man (version 2), twitch (version 2) dec. 12,
run dmc: it’s tricky (scratchapella mix) march 19.
if you could repost those, that’d be great, but if only a few then definitely the cyndi lauper & tears for fear hehe. keep up the great work!
Happy Anniversary!
I’ve bugged you before for the Big Audio Dynamite C’Mon Every Beatbox and Beatbox’s At Dawn, but could you also repost the two David Byrne Make Believe Mambo tracks? Thanks again!