Archive for January, 2011

Little Big Music

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Nerd Alert!

I’ve been playing a lot of Little Big Planet 2 (or as the kids say, LBP2). I’m at the point now where I need to do some co-op stuff to unlock the hidden goodies. I keep trying to do this with random people online. But all the random people online kind of suck. No one will let me join their game, and when I have them join my game they just grief me. Goobers.

So if any of my readers play Little Big Planet 2 and are looking for a co-op partner, send me an email so we can talk about it. My email address is on the right side under my disclaimer.

Okay, the video game nerd talk is over, onto the music nerd talk!

Public Image Ltd.
Albatross (‘Melodrama’ Mix)
Death Disco (Swan Lake) (Unedited Monitor Mix)

I got these from a 12″ single that I’m fairly certain is a bootleg. If its not a bootleg it certainly doesn’t make its status as an “official” record obvious. There’s no label information, and no copyright marks anywhere. According to it was release in conjunction with John Lydon’s 2005 best-of compilation The Best Of British £1♫’s, which combined his best Sex Pistols and PIL tracks into one great 2xCD compilation. So maybe its one of those “official” unofficial things meant to appeal to hardcore collectors, who knows. I can tell you that this remix of “Albatross” does nothing to negate its status as one of the most abrasive tracks ever released by a major label recording artist, and that the remix of “Death Disco (Swan Lake)” is pretty much just an extended version of the already extended 12″ mix. If you have tolerance for Lydon’s lovey warble then you’ll probably dig both tracks. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate my love of Lydon at about a solid 7, so while I love the mix of “Death Disco (Swan Lake)” I think I would need to be paid to listen to that 10+ minute version of “Albatross” again. But hey, I’m sure me including here made some noise-rock loving hipster’s week, so I’m glad I can help spread dissonant joy around the world.

The Gossip
Listen Up (Tronik Youth Remix)
I have a bagillion remixes of Gossip tracks, one day I might actually buy a Gossip album. This is from a 12” single called “Indie Rock n’ Roll Remixed,” which also had that crazy version of Muse’s “Supermassive Black Hole” that I featured a few weeks ago. I’m fairly certain it’s a bootleg release as well.

Gonna Get Close To You
Wait For An Answer

Dalbello is a weird case. The Canadian born singer started out with happy-go-lucky disco in the late-80s, but in 1984 she completely reinvented herself (dropping her first name of Lisa in the process) and made a hard left from dance-pop into college-rock/alternative synth-pop with the release of Whomanfoursays, a collaboration between Lisa Dalbello herself and legendary David Bowie guitarist Mick Ronson. Its a tad dated, the sparse synthetic sound of the record isn’t exactly tearing up the pop charts of today, but that’s all part of its charm. Besides, Lisa Dalbellos’ voice powers through all of the the somewhat out-of-date production with a power that is nearly unmatched by more popular singers of her time.I don’t know why this album didn’t make a bigger splash when it came out, its a damn shame.

You can buy Whomanfoursays on Amazon for about 11 bucks. And you really should, so I’m not putting the complete album up here. However, I think more people should be exposed to the bitchin’ awesomeness that is Dalbello, so I’m going to share two of the tracks from the album. “Gonna Get Close To You” is the opening number, and really sets the stage for the whole record, with its emotional vocals, great guitar work and overall awesomeness. Oddly enough, it was covered by Queensryche just a couple years later. Their version is good too, and you can check it out here if you’re curious. “Wait For An Answer” is another standout cut, and probably features the range and power of Dalbello’s voice better than any other track on the album, which is really saying something since she sings like a mother on all the tracks.

So please, if you like these tracks do yourself a favor and pick of the album on Amazon. Like I said, its only 11 bucks, way more than worth it for those looking for amazing, well-written music by strong women who know how to rock, something that is sadly a rare commodity in pop music today (P!nk notwithstanding).

Snow and Synths

Friday, January 21st, 2011

Its snowing.


You all have seen me rant about concert-goers, hipsters, video game companies, large retail websites, politicians, homophobes, sexists, racists, Jay Leno and Fergie. But man, I really hate shoveling snow. Unfortunately, there’s no point in ranting about how much I hate snow. When I go off about how much I hate rude concertgoers someone might read that and think “Hey, he’s right, I’m not going to talk at concerts anymore!” However, I highly doubt Mother Nature is reading my blog.

The nerve of her.

New Order
Crystal (Digweed & Muir Bedrock Mix)
Crystal (Lee Coombs Remix)
Crystal (Digweed & Muir Bedrock Dub)
Crystal (John Creamer & Stephane K Main Remix)
Crystal (Creamer K Main Remix)

I don’t know if I’m more amazed at the fact that I found a New Order single I didn’t own or that the songs from the said single are not readily available online legally. A couple of these tracks can be bought at Amazon, but not individually, since they’re over 10 minutes you have to buy the whole album to get them. I hate that trick. I guess it makes sense for bands like Mars Volta, but it kind of fucks electronic artists over don’t you think? Of course, the worst is soundtracks. The fact that I can’t just buy “You’re The Best” from The Karate Kid soundtrack without being forced to buy the whole damn album is criminal! Bastards. There tracks are all from a 2×12″.

Dave Gahan
Love Will Leave (Kap10kurt Remix)
Use You (Maps Remix)
Deeper And Deeper (T. Raumschmiere Remix Extended)
Saw Something (Onur Ozer Remix)
Deeper And Deeper (Sebastien Leger Remix)

I’m weird. I know this. Why? Because I own two Dave Gahan 12″ singles and remix compilation but I don’t actually own any of his albums. I had the same problem with Depeche Mode and New Order for a while too, before I went on a binge and bought all of their albums. It’s like I’m a reverse casual fan, who avoids the mainstream, easy to find releases but must have the bizarre, rare and hard-to-find stuff. These tracks are from an EP called Hourglass Remixes, which, as you can imagine, a collection of remixes of songs from the album Hourglass. There are eight tracks on that album, but three of them are available at Amazon, so I’m not putting them up here. Luckily, the awesome remix of “Use You” was not one of those tracks, so you get to enjoy it for free. I love this song, only Dave Gahan can make treating someone like garbage sound sexy.

A is for Awesome

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

Tonight’s post is brought to you by the letter “A” because I’m too lazy sometimes to shift through my massive queue of future blog tracks.

The Alarm
Strength (Power Mix)
Absolute Reality ( Inpromptu Acoustic Version)

People have called The Alarm pretentious in the past, and I think that label is total bullshit. A pretentious band thinks highly of themselves while thinking less of those around them. The Alarm probably think very highly of themselves, but if the lyrics to songs like “Strength” are any indication at all, they also think very highly of their audience as well as the general population.

A better word to describe The Alarm would be “earnest.” Songs like “Strength” convey an overwhelming feeling of earnestness; they really want you to believe what they are saying because it’s some important shit! I get the feeling that The Alarm thought that songs like these were Incredibly Important and could change Things. And there’s a certain level of respect that should be given to them because of that.

“Strength” is one bad-ass song. Its the kind of song you listen to help get yourself out of a post-breakup doldrum, or possibly as the soundtrack to a really rough cardio workout. I’m sure it was a contender for a montage song in a Rocky movie at one point. The acoustic version of “Absolute Reality” is less blood-pumpingly good, but it’s still a really great tune. Both of these are from a 12″ single.

Art Of Noise
Dragnet (Arthur Baker Mix)
Acton Art
Dragnet (Art of Noise 12” Mix)
Dragnet (Art of Noise 7” Mix)

The Art of Noise have nothing in common with The Alarm, aside from the fact that both play music and start with the letter “A.” If The Alarm is earnest then these remixes of the Dragnet Theme are most certainly not. What’s the opposite of earnest? Goofy? Yeah, that sums these tracks up pretty damn well. I love the wacky lo-tech sampling of The Art Of Noise, taking a note, sampling it, and then adjusting the pitch to create different “notes” of that sound. There’s something so perfectly 80s about it, like headbands and Alf. So what I’m saying is that The Art of Noise are the Alf of music. Yeah, that makes sense. These are remixes of the theme of the 1980s Dragnet movie, meaning they are the probably the only tracks I will ever feature on this blog that will feature the vocal stylings of Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd.

Oh and that’s not a typo, that one track is called “Acton Art” not “Action Art.”

A blog post light years beyond your imagination!

Friday, January 14th, 2011

Man, you all gave me a lot of great guesses what the stupidest movie of 1983 was! And while none of you were right (okay, maybe you two who guessed Superman III were) I’m going to go out on a limb and say that neither was I. But here’s the soundtrack to one of the stupidest movies of 1983

Krull Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
After doing a bit of research I’ll no longer claim that Krull was the stupidest movie of 1983. That was the year when both Amityville 3-D and Jaws 3-D were released, and they are both some of the most epically stupid films ever made.

But before I defend the movie I previously bashed, I should probably tell you all what its about, since I’m willing to bet that most of you have barely even heard of the flick.

Krull is a bizarre sci-fi/fantasy hybrid set on the semi-magical world of…Krull. A young princess and prince are about to wed, but on the day of their wedding an evil space alien referred to only as The Beast crashes the party and kidnaps the bride-to-be, hoping to make her his own. Now its up to the prince, with his awesome boomerang of death called the Glave,  to rescue her! It’s just like Super Mario Bros. but with less magic mushrooms. On his quest to rescue her, the prince and his merry band of cannon fodder encounter one calamity after another, including surprise quicksand, shapeshiting demons and seemingly endless armies of evil cyborgs with lasers. In the end, the prince and the princess literally defeat The Beast with the power of love and live happily ever after.

No, that’s not a spoiler, did you really think he’d fail?

1983 saw a lot of sci-fi/fantasy combos, and Krull isn’t even the stupidest one of them. There was the atrocious rotoscroped monstrosity Fire And Ice; the straight-to-video scholckfest of Deathstalker; and  the notoriously bad prehistoric/sci-fi abomination Yor, the Hunter from the Future.

But why so many sci-fi/fantasy mashups? Just think about it.

It’s 1983, Star Wars is tearing up all box office records. What’s another big hit? Conan The Barbarian. The hacks of Hollywood (and Italy, in the case of Yor) must have collectively thought “Man, if Conan is big and Star Wars is huge then if we combine them we’ll be unstoppable!”

Of course, they all bombed epically, Krull included.

And yeah,  Krull is big stupid bomb, but its a really fun big stupid bomb! While a lot of these flicks are obvious rush jobs designed to make a quick buck, you can at least say that a lot of heart went into Krull. The sets are gorgeous, the action not half-bad, and lot of the actors (including Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltrane -who is dubbed) make the most of the corny material.

More on topic, it also has a great score by James Horner! Its so great that he blatantly stole portions of it while doing the score to Aliens a few years later. Listen to the last few tracks, and you will totally hear the finale to Aliens. Aside from (or perhaps because of) that, it’s a pretty great score, very heroic.

Tonight I am sharing a rip of the vinyl soundtrack to Krull. This is not the complete score. That is only available on a two-disc CD set that costs a bloody fortune now. And, I’m sorry, while I love Krull, I don’t love it that much.

Enjoy it. Listen to it while mountain climbing or something.

Drew Barrymore could kick The Prodigy’s Ass

Monday, January 10th, 2011

Its going to be another week of weird/stupid/bizarre soundtrack selections at Lost Turntable! I know they’re everyone’s favorite. And by “everyone” I mean the copyright police. So get them fast.

Firestarter Original Motion Picture Soundtrack – Tangerine Dream
Crystal Voice
The Run
Charly The Kid
Escaping Point
Rainbirds Move
Burning Force
Between Realities
Shop Territory
Flash Final

Firestarter was by far the best movie from 1984 about a pyrokenetic pre-teen girl. It starts Drew Barrymore as the title character, who is on the run with her father from The Shop, a covert government agency whose experiments gave both Drew’s father and mother psychic powers that she somehow inherited. Its about as silly as it sounds, but it has its appeal, mostly because its fucking BRUTAL. The dad has mind control powers that he uses to force people to commit suicide, and at the end of the movie Drew unleashes hell (almost literally), setting about what seems like half of the greater New England area in the process. Its pretty epic. The effects of people getting set ablaze are pretty excellent, and I still don’t know how they engineered some of the scenes where you see people get lit up and fly 50 feet in the air.

While Not as blazingly amazing as that finale, the soundtrack to Firestarter is pretty good. It’s by no means Tangerine Dream’s best, Risky Business, Legend, and even Flashpoint are better, but its still great ambient music. Listen to it while meditating, or to maybe help develop your psychic powers.

Later this week I will be posting the soundtrack to the dumbest movie of 1983. A no-prize to the first person who guesses what that is.

I’m more like an A380

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

When I proclaimed that “The Time (Dirty Bit)” was the worst song of the millennium behind “My Humps” I had not yet heard “Like A G6” by The Far East Movement. So she wants to be like a private jet that drinks purple drank? Yikes. Sometimes I just wanna give up on pop culture and move to Yemen or something.

Yellow Magic Orchestra
S.E.T. 1
The Madmen
S.E.T. 2
Chinese Whispers
S.E.T. 3
You’ve Got To Help Yourself
S.E.T. + YMO
Shadows on the Ground
S.E.T. 4
S.E.T. 5
S.E.T. 6
Just like I promised, here’s some more from Ryuichi Sakamoto! All these tracks are from Service, which is the only Japanese Yellow Magic Orchestra album I own. Not surprisingly, it’s also the weirdest. While the Americanized versions of their albums are just all music, most of their Japanese albums also included comedy bits by the Super Eccentric Theater (or S.E.T.). YMO performed most of their songs in English, the bits by S.E.T. are strictly in Japanese. So, unless you speak Japanese, they’re pretty much pointless to listen to. As far as the actual music goes…well, it’s okay. Its a very good 80s synthpop album, but their earlier albums are much better and far more experimental. This was the last YMO album proper, and the group didn’t record together again until a decade later.

Some Dirty Shit

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

Has anyone out there heard The Black Eyed Peas’ “The Time (Dirty Bit)”? I managed to avoid it for a while because I don’t listen to pop radio. But the gym I workout at has started playing it over and over (and over and over) the past few weeks, so now I can’t escape its inhuman fury. If you are really curious as to the level of its awfulness, watch the (equally awful) video here. It’s bad. You’ve been warned.

Next to “My Humps,” “The Time (Dirty Bit)” is probably the worst piece of pop shit that The Black Eyed Peas have ever unleashed onto the public. For those of you who just want a brief explanation as to why its so bad, I think Deadspin’s Drew Magary says it best:


He sums it up quite well. But allow me to elaborate a (dirty) bit.

“The Time (Dirty Bit)” might just be the first song to feature every single thing I hate about modern pop music and mash it all together into one unholy abomination of shit. There’s the blatant sample of a classic used only to create a radio hook; the overused autotune, the meaningless lyrics about partying and fucking; the hideous chiptune-inspired melody that sounds like it was lifted from a broken NES game. It’s all there and it’s all shit. Shit that gets in my damn head and refuses to leave until I force it out with an injection of Madonna, Kylie, or some other artist who can actually create, good, catchy pop music.

I mean, my GOD. Its horrible. Its success makes me weep more for the youth of America than any other shitstained style-over-substance piece of computer-enhanced trash they seem to be going for as of late.

Sure, there are worst bands out there than The Black Eyed Peas, but what makes me so upset is that they used to be good! I bet you didn’t know that The Black Eyed Peas used to be a critically acclaimed alternative rap group! Its true! Check out the awesome video for Joints & Jam. See that amazing woman singing the chorus (which is a tasteful lift from the theme to “Grease” that isn’t a blatant attempt drawing pop appeal)? That’s Kim Hill.

Kim Hill is the shit. She left the group before their (not bad) second album came out. I read an interview with her once where she said that the label was pressuring them to write songs that would eventually become booty-anthems like “My Humps” and she didn’t want any part of that. Kim Hill is an intelligent woman who wants to be taken seriously as a singer and writer. She wanted to be taken seriously so much that she literally walked away from millions in order to maintain her integrity and avoid degrading herself for cash.

Luckily for Will.I.Am and the other two remaining members of The Black Eyed Peas they found Fergie, a woman who obviously has no such qualms about objectifying herself for the sake of a quick buck. Want someone to sing about their “lovely lady lumps” and then put on a girl scout outfit and roll around in candy? Fergie’s your woman! The sad thing is that Fergie isn’t that bad a singer, she just allows herself to be degraded and shit upon for the sake of album sales. Maybe she’s afraid to do something honest and real because she doesn’t want to end up like Kim Hill and chucked out of the band for another pop tart who will eagerly take her place? Geez, that’s even more depressing.

Man, now I’m bummed. I’m going to go listen to “Request + Line.” Hopefully the group that made that track will record another album someday.

Ryuichi Sakamoto
Love And Hate (Hate Mix)
Love And Hate (Message Mix – Single Edit)
Love And Hate (Love Mix)
Love And Hate (NYC Personal Mix)
Moving On (12” Mix)
Moving On (No Drum Pass)
Moving On (Radio Mix)

Ryuichi Sakamoto is the keyboardist to Yellow Magic Orchestra, a band I love. He also is an Oscar-wining composer, having done original scores for films like The Last Emperor, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence and Snake Eyes. He also did the score to Seven Samurai 20XX video game. What I’m saying is, the dude gets around. I don’t have much of his solo pop work, just these two singles. However, if they are any indication as to the quality of his work, I should really get some more. Anyone have any recommendations? I hear good things about Neo Geo.

The  vocalist on the “Love And Hate” mixes is Holly Johnson, who you may know as the lead singer of everyone’s favorite band of perverts, Frankie Goes To Hollywood. I do not know who handles the vocals for “Moving On” so any help would be appreciated.

Hopefully I’ll have more Sakamoto-related work later this week.

Ditty (Radio Mix)
Ditty (New Hype Mix)

Man, now THIS is a jam. What happened to hip hop man? Sure there’s some good indie and alternative shit out there. But now its all Autotune and programmed beats. Its a drag! Someone recommend me good new hip hop that doesn’t use Autotune! That’s a requirement, no Autotune. These are from a 12” single.