I’m totally addicted to NBC.com’s Olympic video site. Late night handball marathons motherfucker!
Beastie Boys
Rock Hard
This was one of the Beastie Boys’ first singles and it’s kind of (in)famous since it can never be re-released because AC/DC won’t clear the very obvious sample of “Back In Black.” What a bunch of dicks. I guess they are too busy signing exclusive deals with Wal-Mart to do anything cool. I found this online years ago, I forgot were.
Saul Williams
Pedagogue Of Young Gods
World On Wheels
Can’t Hide Love
As I said before, Saul was one of the highlights of Lollapalooza for me and he totally blew me away. I’ve been a fan of his since I saw him at Lollapalooza back in 05 and I’m happy to see that he’s finally starting to take off (even if it is mostly because of a Nike commercial). These four tracks are on the CD/vinyl version of Niggy Tardust, but they aren’t on the original digital-only release, so if you only have that you should get these tracks too. “Pedagogue Of Young Gods” is the easy stand-out of the bunch, it’s a spoken word piece over the music to “No One Ever Does” and reminds you that Saul started out as a poet. The other two tracks are great, but fucking crazy, and are heavy with the old-school electro beats. The physical version of Niggy Tardust also has “Gunshots By Computer” and the suddenly popular “List Of Demands” and those are also available on the Year Zero Remixed album and Saul’s self-titled sophomore release, respectively.
Plastic Little
The Jump Off (King Krash Mix)
Now I Hollar
I know three things about Plastic Little: 1. They’re in Diplo’s crew, 2. They’re probably named after a sex-filled anime, and 3. When it comes to sampling they got balls because “Now I Hollar” takes PJ Harvey’s “Down By The Water” and transforms the original song (about a dead baby) into a song about fucking. That song is on one of their albums, but I couldn’t help but put it on here – it’s so wrong it’s right.
The Rip (Live At Mr. Wolf’s) (Stupid Fucking File Fucking Works Now…FUCK)
This is audio grabbed from the USB stick that comes with the ultra-awesome edition of Third that I mentioned last night (of course you can find it on YouTube too). There are supposed to be more videos on the USB-enabled website soon, and if any of them have anything exclusive on them I’ll put them up too. This is the most beautiful song I’ve ever put on this site.
I made a comment below about Lolla. I’ll comment here to thank you for your mad upload skillz. You are a great resource for my Saturday night radio show, as our home base is pretty heavy on crunchy-granola singer/songwriters and light on, you know, beats. Keep up the good work. http://yrockonxpn.org
Hi there… love your blog. Thanks for all the great posts and music. And this Portishead track is awesome… ‘cept it cuts off. Any chance you could post the whole thing if you’ve got it. Thanks again.
All the best,