I actually was able to hook up my turntable to my laptop without it sounding like complete ass, so I might actually record some shit this week. Does anyone know how good Audacity is when it comes to recording/audio clean-up?
With my computer dying and other crap I’ve had a really shit week and while that usually means industrial music for all of you I’m going to mix it up a bit and try to stay positive (I know! I’m shocked too!) with some songs that cheer my hate-filled ass up. Incidentally, The song that actually cheers me up the most is “Fat Bottomed Girls” by Queen, but that’s neither here nor there since that’s not exactly a “lost” track. If anyone has an obscure live version of that tune or a cover of it by a band that actually matters let me know.
The News
Late News
This is one of the few songs/things that actually makes me hopeful for the future. Big surprise to everyone reading this blog, I’m kind of a negative fellow and I don’t have much hope for this whole “human race” thing. But if Mick Jones, the guitar player for one of the angriest punk bands of all time, and Tony James, the frontman to one of the most outrageously cynical groups of all time (Sigue Sigue Sputnik) can even joke about the human race one day getting its shit together then maybe there’s hope even for a nihilist prick like me. This version of “The News” is over six minutes long is different than the album version. “Late News” is a dub remix. I found both online somewhere I believe. I know they didn’t come from a 12”.
Mushaboom (Red Demo Version)
Feist or Regina Spektor? (Or Imogen Heap?) The immortal debate. This demo version was taken from a CD that came with The Believer.
Ron Grainer (Composer)
Doctor Who Theme (1986 Version)
Original Doctor Who Theme
Doctor Who (Cosmic Remix)
I’m not the world’s biggest Doctor Who fan, although I did occasionally watch the show when I was a kid. However, I love the theme song. It’s one of the first electronic recordings of note, and definitely the first electronic theme song to any TV show. It’s gone through a shitload of revisions over the years and two of them are included above. The one from 86 is great, but it can’t hold a candle to the original, which is still one of the greatest electronic compositions of all-time. The “Cosmic Remix” is alright, but it goes on for far too long and has too many random effects thrown in for no real reason. Don’t muck with the classics. I grabbed these from a 12” single that had a holographic cover! It’s nifty.
I’m expecting to get yelled at or something but I’ve got a WEIRD remix of Fat Bottom Girls by DJ Z-Trip with Murs rapping over part of it. I’m assuming that’s the type of thing you hate but if you want it let me know and I’ll upload it and the rest of the EP.
I…might have that. At least I think I did at one time but I can’t find it now. If you can upload that I’d like to hear it. I always enjoy a good train wreck.
I’m not sure how good Audacity is for vinyl/audio clean up, but two lesser known programs that I’ve used with great success are GoldWave and WaveRepair.
This isn’t my link but it’s still live and is the full EP. This was definitely a weird record, one for which I have no clue where they got the idea for it. Then again, we are talking about Z-Trip who has quite the 80s obsession and is way overly opinionated. Regardless, here it is. Enjoy!
I’m sure you’ll be delighted to know that at first I read that as “More Hits From My Big Dick”. You probably intended just that on some level or other!
Dude, that remix of Fat Bottom Girls is totally amazing. Thank you.
thanks for the great mushaboom demo!
Can you please record the Doctor Who Cosmic Remix to the computer and send it my way? I would love it, thanks.
Please, can you send me the Doctor Who Cosmic Remix, i’m so damn desperate to hear the full version of it. Send the mp3 to my email address or something. Please.
Check yo’ email.
You, sir. You are awesome.
Yeah, I get that a lot.