Archive for April, 2017

Funky Jazz From Space

Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

I hope you all had a good Record Store Day and were able to find what you wanted without getting gauged. I scored the two big Bowie releases and even managed to bang out a review of them over on my other site. Sorry to say, if you’re going on the second-hand market to grab them, you might want to pass.

Now who wants some Japanese space funk/jazz fusion!

Wait, don’t go, it’ll be cool I promise!

Jun Fukamachi
Perpetual (Movement)
I shared a Fukamachi track about a year ago, when I uploaded his jazz fusion take on the Star Wars theme, which was pretty dope. Tonight, I thought I would share the album of his that I think fans of my blog would dig the most, his 1980 release Quark.

As I mentioned in my previous post featuring him, Fukamachi is kind of a jack of all trades, dabbling in many different genres of music throughout his long career. Most of it is jazz, and not just fusion, but traditional piano jazz music. He also dives into funk on occasion. Those are some of my favorite records of his. Second Phase, his 1977 album, is a great record featuring his funky side, complete with a rad cover of “Ava Maria.” I’ll probably post some stuff from that at some point.

But Quark is a bit different, at least it’s different than the other Fukamachi album’s I’ve bought. This one is much spacier, with a heavy emphasis on ambient and electronic textures. Each track is ten minutes long, and they all take you on a journey, man, going between Tangerine Dream, quiet piano-driven segues that wouldn’t be out of place on a Pink Floyd record, and crazy purely electronic experimental pieces reminiscent of Wendy Carlos.

It’s a crazy record that I can’t really describe, so if you’re in the mood for something different, check it.

Fretting over the remote possibility of nuclear war with help from The KLF

Sunday, April 16th, 2017

Okay, look.

I appreciate concern, I really do. I like that people out there are looking out for me and care for my well-being, I really do. But if one more motherfucker out there asks me if I’m worried/going to do anything about the increasingly heated conflict brewing between China, North Korea and the United States (with Japan, and by extension me, stuck in the middle) then I’m going to go nuclear and vaporize someone.

Allow me to nip your concerns and questions in the bud right now. No, I’m not worried about the possibility of any kind of military strike against Japan. This is mostly because I have enough, far more tangible things, to worry about. But I also just don’t think it’s going to happen. While I’m rarely the kind of person who says things like “the media is hyping this new story too much,” well, guess what; the media is hyping this story too much. Calm the fuck down.

Additionally, even if I had some inkling that something (whatever that might be) might happen. No, I’m not leaving Japan. This is my home and my boyfriend’s home.

Besides, there are enough dope record stores here to make the distant threat of thermonuclear war worth it. Seriously, look what I found today.

It’s Grim Up North (radio edit)
It’s Grim Up North (Part 1)
It’s Grim Up North (Part 2)
Jerusalem on the Moors
America: What Time Is Love? (radio edit)
America No More
America: What Time Is Love? (Uncensored)
America No More (Just the Pipe Band)
Justified & Ancient (Make Mine a “99”)
Justified & Ancient (Let Them Eat Ice Cream)
Justified & Ancient (“The White Room” Version)
Justified & Ancient (All Bound for Mu Mu Land)
Justified & Ancient (Stand by the Jams)
Maybe I’ve said this before (it feels like something I would’ve said before), but one of the best things about living in Japan is walking into a random record store and seeing an “import” that you first heard about on the internet 15 years ago and never thought you’d buy. And seeing it on clearance for less than $20. I just hope I can find part one for a similarly cheap price someday. Because this thing is fucking dope.

I have probably shared many of these tracks over the years here at Lost Turntable. In fact, I’m positive that I have. However, those were all vinyl rips and many were done back when I was still learning how to rip my vinyl, so a lot of them sound like garbage. If you’ve ever downloaded these tracks from me before, you should probably download these too, they sound a hell of a lot better.

Okay, change of plans. If the possibility of a nuclear conflict does increase, then I’m gonna put my boyfriend in a suitcase (he’s tiny) and hop on a plane for Mu Mu Land. Dope beats, acid house and Tammy Wynette await me.

Dance remixes to rip your jaw off to

Sunday, April 9th, 2017

I updated the Tokyo record store guide over at Mostly-Retro to add information on the excellent General Record Store and the new HMV in Kichijoji. I’ll try to update it again next week for another new store I found that was exceptionally odd. I’m also working on an abridged “best of” guide to record stores in Tokyo that might be a bit more practical than the 22,000 word opus I have up there right now. Other projects in the works include the next part of the YMO guide. That’s about halfway done, but it’s still going to take some time because it covers the proteges and associate acts, and there are a ton of those. Hopefully I’ll have another edition of the Game Music Revue up in the meantime. I really want to put something up about a stupid album I recently bought.

Here are random remixes of dance tunes.

Grace Jones
Amado Mio (The 28th Street Crew Club Mix)
Amado Mio (The 28th Street Crew Dub Mix)
This is a cover of a song from the film Gilda, which I hear is great but I have not yet seen. I know it’s a film noir classic of sorts, I just haven’t gotten around to it.

Right now the boyfriend and I have been devouring British horror and sci-fi. We’ve made our way through nearly every single Hammer flick and are now exploring the wonderful world of Amicus and other lesser-known studios. It’s been a fun ride. You know who’s dope as fuck? Peter Fucking Cushing. I’d watch that dude read a phone book. I’m sure he’d do it with the same foppish outrage he brought to every role in his career. For those looking to dive into the wonderful world of the Peter Cushing filmography, I highly recommend Corruption, The Skull, Captain Klegg (AKA Night Creatures) and the Dracula sequel Brides of Dracula, which features far more of Cushing being dope as fuck than the original Dracula does. But really, you can’t go wrong with any of his work at Hammer. From Dracula to Frankenstein to the lesser-known stuff in between. It’s all great.

Basically what I’m saying is that I don’t have much to say about this song, despite liking it quite a bit.

Shelia E.
Sex Cymbal (12″ Mix)
Sex Cymbal (Jungle Groove)
Sex Cymbal (4 On The Floor)
Bass Base (Instrumental)
I can’t decide if this is the worst pun or the best pun. I’m edging toward worst.

I mean, yikes.

Sure, it’s kind of clever. Shelia E. is sexy, she plays drums, ergo…”sex cymbal.” But it’s just so fucking stupid. And when I hear “sex cymbal” I don’t think, “hey there sexy drummer,” I think “hey there sexy drum kit.” Because let’s be real here, there ain’t no such thing as a sexy drummer. Don’t get me wrong, I have mad respect for anyone who can play drums at even a halfway decent level, but it’s not an inherently sexy act. If someone looks sexy while playing the drums, it’s in spite of that, not because of it. Shelia E. aside, can anyone out there name a sexy drummer of either sex? I sure as hell can’t.

The song “Sex Cymbal” is good enough I suppose, but the instrumental b-side “Bass Base” is the real highlight. Some crazy electro-funk.